God’s Word is any statement or message that is consistent with the plans, purpose and provisions of God. You must be wise to walk with a consciousness of your identity. You must find out what God says about you and the (temporary) circumstance you are facing. Then begin to speak the mind of God to yourself concerning the seemingly ‘dead’ case. Keep speaking and doing God’s word and every anomaly in your life will be put in check; in conformity to God’s word.
The word of God is living and active and nothing we ever experience in our lives is outside the domain of God’s Word. Let the Word of God dwell in you richly. As you learn God’s Word and store it in your heart, it influences the character of your thoughts! You become conditioned to thinking God’s thoughts. Get acquainted with the Lord through His Word; the more you know Him, the more His Nature and thoughts are revealed to you which you can use to dominate any thoughts that are contrary to His Word,Our lives are the manifestation of the character of our thoughts, so we should stay on God’s Word because it is dependable. Christianity has been rightly referred to as ‘The Great Confession’, and that’s an indication of the vital role “speaking” plays in our lives as Christians. Jesus in Mark 11:23 said, “…whosoever shall say unto this mountain, “Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith”. This mountain could be any situation or circumstance standing in your way that looks immovable; whether in the physical or on your mind. The Lord says here if you want that situation to change if you want that mountain out of your way, you have to say it- speak to it!Christianity didn’t come from the Cross; rather it came after the Cross. As Christians,we are not in covenant with God; rather we are the result of the covenant, for that the first Adam was a living soul, but the last Adam, Jesus Christ, is a Life Giving Spirit. Hence, our inheritance in Christ is not based on the covenant, but based on birth. Some folks act amoebic in the face of trial in their lives. They change their confessions and lifestyles to create ‘adaptive features’ for the time being. They change from ‘My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory…’ to ‘As the Lord provides…’ or worse still, ‘We are managing…’ They forget the ways of the Lord and all His goodness and opt for a lukewarm lifestyle - they are neither in the world nor in the Church. Nonetheless, things never get better for them, because their life is not consistent with the Word. Your consistency in the profession of your faith is one of the most essential of all Christian attitudes towards dynamic living. Remain unshakeable in speaking God’s word, no matter what you see or how disastrous the situation may seem. Prophecy is the spoken Word of God; it is the revealed Word of God by which He leads and guides His people. The man who prophesies speaks with the ability of God's Spirit.
When God said in Joel 2:28, "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy," He meant that everybody in the Kingdom will have this ability of God to prophesy, to speak forth God's Word and cause it to come to pass. We'll all be able to bring about changes that will affect our lives and the lives of others around us positively.
What power, what great knowledge this is! How exciting to know you're not at the mercy of life's circumstances. If the life you have is not appealing to you, you can change it. You can control your destiny by the power of God made available to you through prophecy! Some people don't believe this but it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not. God didn't say they must believe it; He says the one who believes is blessed but the one who doesn't is damned. So the choice is yours to make.
If you say you believe, what have you done so far with what you've believed? If you haven't done much with it, what you need to do is believe even more and make up your mind to put what you believe to work.